Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Let's embrace Diversity. When it suits us.

Last week  there was a big get together of the great and the good in broadcasting.  At least they thought they were the great and the good.   

The occasion was the biennial Royal Television Society Cambridge convention.  Its aim?  To tackle the main issues facing the industry.   

You would have thought they would have a lot to talk about, not least the falling standards of impartiality we see every night on our TV screens.  Was that one of the key things they were talking about?  Er, no.  The key theme was Diversity.  They love diversity.  All shades.  All opinions. All….  Except.  They don’t like diversity when it comes to leaving the EU.   

When Alastair Campbell, best known for his work as Tony Blair's spokesman and campaign director, asked the room to put up their hands if they voted to leave the European Union, no one did.  Which is odd.  On one hand they want to seek to be representative of the diversity of the nation.  Yet on the other hand, they are the most un diverse grouping you could think of.   

If they had been representative of the people of the UK, 52% of them would have put their hands up.

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