Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Just Do It!!

Europol says an agreement for a future partnership with the UK will take a number of years to negotiate.   My question is “why?”.  Why does anything take a number of years to negotiate?   

The reality is, it doesn’t.  What happens is somebody somewhere says “it will take three years”.  So what happens?  It takes three years.  Even if it could take less.   

The principle that the business community take is much more focused and pragmatic.  Just do it.  Don’t give it a must be done by date.  Just ask, why can’t it be done now?  The reality is, it can.   

Businesses take decision quickly.  They need to.  They would go bust if they took three years to negotiate with thier suppilers or customers. Yes, implementation of decisions can take longer. But the negotiating and decision is taken very quickly.   

But the mind-set of the EC is that it can’t.

Clearly the productive part of the economy, led by people like James Dyson, has much to offer in terms of experience to our negotiators as they battle with the civil servants of the European Commission.

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