Thursday, May 18, 2017

Which country has the best maternity leave provision? Guess.

Here’s a puzzle for you.  Which country has a statutory 52 weeks maternity leave?  The UK or the EU?  Well?  The EU?  Don’t think so.   

But you would never know that reading the Liberal Democratic Party manifesto. The suggestion is that "the right to 52 weeks’ maternity leave" is "based on EU law".  Really?    

The EU’s statutory minimum period for maternity leave is actually just 14 weeks.  The UKs is 52 weeks.  And people like the LibDems the Greens and the SNP keep wanting us to retain EU rules when they are inferior to ours in the UK.   

One wonders what other untruths are in the document.   

Democratic is an odd word for the Lib Dems to have in their party name for they are anything but.   

Yesterday's manifesto refuses even to accept last year's referendum result, preferring instead just to "acknowledge" it.  So if the Lib Dems win the general election we don’t need to accept it, we just need to acknowledge it.

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