Monday, May 08, 2017

We're not stupid, Nicola.

Scotland’s First Minister is either incredibly naïve or she is somewhat disingenuous.  Which do you think?   

Today she suggested that the claims made by Prime Minister May that the EU is trying to interfere with the General Election were simply part of a ploy to get hard Brexit.  Hard Brexit is pretty vacuous term when you spend more than a nano second thinking about it, but let's park that for today.  

But hang on a second.  What did Guy Verhofstadt chief Brexit negotiator for the EU, say today in relation to the presidential election of Macron in France?  We supported him from the start”.  Er Mr Verhofstadt, you did what?   

Didn’t Nicola notice that the key people in the EU, her new best friends, are indeed seeking to influence the result of elections in different countries?   

Make no mistake, they have track record in getting their way. Ireland, (forced re run of a referendum) Italy, (they forced the replacement of the democratically elected PM with a Brussels appointment) France, (see Ireland), Netherlands, Greece, (read Adults In The Room.  My Battle With Europe’s Deep Establishment by Yanis Varoufakis, at all good booksellers now.)   Really, you couldn't make up the way the elite in the EC have interfered in elections around Europe.

Naïve or disingenuous?  Nicola, naïve ?  Aye, right.

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