Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Plus ça change.

Labour economics.   

Back in the 60’s it was Harold Wilson with his 35% pay rise for coal miners that started the decline, not just of the mines but the economy.  The end result?  A 22% increase in the cost of domestic fuel, which was ok for the miners, they got a free coal allowance.  The price of coal for industrial use rose by over 7%, to generate the extra £370m in revenue to pay for the wage increases.  The increase in wages had to be paid for somehow.  At a stroke it became cheaper to import coal than to produce it at home.  Welcome to Old Labour economics.   

During Thatchers premiership the gap between rich and poor narrowed (it grew again under New Labour) and real poverty in the UK was virtually eliminated, hence the idiotic Labour introduction of relative poverty. The standard of living of the poorest grew more and faster under Thatcher than in other period in British history.   Under New Labour, it fell.  Welcome to New Labour economics.   

And the Corbyn/ MacDonald version?  A mix of the two failed economic strategies of the past.   

Plus ça change.

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