Monday, May 15, 2017

When in Rome....

Have another look at these images.  What do you notice?  Every time you see an Italian flag it is always accompanied by a flag of the European Union.  Contrast that with the last picture.  This is one of our embassy in Rome.  A Union Jack flies, all be it without much breeze to show the red white and blue.  But notice, it stands alone.   

And that is what I noticed around Rome these past few days.  Italy is not a nation anymore. It’s always now seen as being a part of something else.  And the prominence of the blue flag with gold stars being flown over all the city just acts as a reminder of that.  Indeed, it’s really propaganda.  Little wonder that they don't understand why the UK voted to leave the EU.  

It even carries on to Italian car number plates where all that is reflected of Italy is the letter “I”, above which the blue is and gold of the EU flag.  The message? The EU is in control.  And given that message is constantly in your face it is little wonder the people of Italy see the EU as a saviour.  Never mind it is the EU that has caused the bankruptcy of this once proud nation.   

All of this is thrown into sharp relief when you go round the ruins of an earlier European empire.  But there is one big difference, that empire actually lasted 507 years and was successful because of two things, good leadership in people like Hadrian and innovation.  Just look a the engineerring and arts of the period.

Unfortunately the EU we see today has neither of these qualities.

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