Tuesday, February 28, 2017

There will be a deal.

It was more than a little odd to hear an intelligent chap like George Osborne warn against leaving EU without trade deal.  So far I have not heard anyone say we should leave the EU without a trade deal.   

Why do people have this stupid idea that leaving the EU means we won't be able to buy and sell goods with the EU countries? 

Of course we will.  

Rather than trying to add to the constant drip drip of people who lost, he should be more positive as he knows full well that, no matter what happens, we will have a trade deal with the EU when we leave.  The only choice is, will it be one under WTO rules or one under a new agreement.  But an agreement there will be.

So those who keep on saying we don’t want to end trading with the EU, fear not, you won’t.  Only those of malicious intent would say otherwise.

An agreement will be in place.

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