Saturday, February 04, 2017

The Constitution wins.

The one thing the USA prides itself on is the separation of powers.  And it seems to work well. And has done since the Constitution was drafted.   Put simply, no one is above the law.  Not even a president as Nixon and Clinton found out.

So, perhaps Mr Trump hasn’t been reading the same Constitution as Judge James Robart, a man appointed by another Republican President, George W Bush, and confirmed unanimously by the Senate.

In what was rather foolish and intemperate language given the separation of powers, Mr Trump called the ruling "ridiculous" and Mr Robart a "so-called judge".

Indeed, if, as it appears to be, it is a direct challenge to judicial independence by President Trump, I think the new president is going to be in for a surprise when things come to the Supreme Court, no matter how many of them he appoints.  They won’t back him; they will back the Constitution, every time.

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