Monday, September 21, 2015

What's the trigger?

An interesting interview with Stewart Hosie who said there would need to be a 'trigger point' in Scotland for there to be a second referendum.  There could be another Scottish referendum, he contends, but it would be silly to rush into one. Which I think we all understand to mean, we're not doing it again if we don't know for sure we will win.

He is right.  But such a trigger would have to be something that wasn’t being talked about at the time of the referendum.

Some in the SNP say Trident could be the trigger.  Well, I don’t think so because if either Labour or the Conservatives had won the UK General Election, Trident update would have been ordered.  The people of Scotland knew that and voted No in the referendum.

Austerity?  A much misunderstood and inappropriately used word.  But basically, should we live with a balanced budget.  In varying degrees all the main parties agreed we should at the UK General Election.  So for the UK government that was elected by the whole of the UK that Scotland voted to stay a part of, it surely is free to implement such a policy, it's not a new policy.  The people of Scotland knew that and voted No in the referendum.

The Vow, ah yes the Vow.  Unfortunately we weren’t voting on the Vow.  We were voting on a very simple question "Should Scotland be an independent country?".  And as a significant number of people had already cast their votes before the Vow appeared, the Vow has little if any legal relevance.  It certainly was not what we were voting on.  The people of Scotland knew that and voted No in the referendum.

Indeed, only 37.7% of those eligible to vote voted YES.  Itn anyone book, that’s a bit of a defeat.

So I am struggling to find new evidence of any policy that the UK government is going to implement that was not known at the time of the referendum.  So a trigger?  Nope, I can’t see one either.

The best thing the SNP should do now is get their head down, using the powers they do have, and show the people that they can make a fist of it. Then, and only then, will the people genuinely say, “know what, we can do it”.

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