Saturday, September 12, 2015

Redistribution is the solution to what question?

Let us not kid ourselves, Jeremy Corbyn’s win will not being about fairness should he lead his party to success at the general election.  It is all about redistribution.

I think the defining moment many will reflect on was his thinking that the rich won’t mind paying more tax. “Many well-off people I speak to, in Islington and around the country, would be quite happy to pay more tax to fund better public services or to pay down our debts. Opinion polls bear this out: better off people are no less likely to support higher taxes.  A more equal society is better for us all. We all do better with good public services and when we all care for each other.”

This is the flaw in his argument. He wrongly equates higher taxation with fairness.  But what Corbyn is all about is not fairness, it is about the state taking more and more control of the money you and I earn. 

He really does not see a picture of the state living within its means.  He doesn’t see that waste is rampant in the public sector. He doesn’t see the picture that someone has to earn money that the state can then tax.

Cut the waste and you will either be able to reduce taxes or use the taxation that already comes in for better purposes.   Oh yes, you can print even more money.  And live with the consequences.

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