Monday, September 07, 2015

Refugees or economic migrants?

Here is a question for you.  When does a refugee become an economic migrant?   

It really is a difficult one.  Take the poor little boy, Aylan Kurdi, who drowned while trying to reach the Greek island of Kos from Bodrum in Turkey. 

Were his parents refugees or economic migrants?  They clearly were refugees at one point in their journey.  And they had reached a safe land, Turkey.  Indeed, Bodrum is a popular holiday resort.  But they wanted to keep moving to a more prosperous land.  And then it happened……

1 comment:

Paul S said...

Spot on.
Surely a refugee will seek refuge in the nearest safe haven, not travel thousands of miles to the country of their choice. Mind you, you have to be careful where you say that, for fear of being called some unsavoury names by people who don't agree with you.

I've enjoyed reading this and several of your other articles. They're very well written and a refreshing change from the mainstream media in the country.