Wednesday, September 23, 2015

My memory was playing tricks, I thought.

It is funny the tricks your mind plays sometimes.  I am sure that the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, was always very clear on what she thought about the referendum that happened 12 months ago.

But now, I'm not so sure my memory is correct.  Perhaps she didn't say it was a one off event. Perhaps she did say something like "the referendum result will only stand if we get our own way".  Or was it "the referendum will of course be re run every few years till we get a result".

I was beginning to think I must have misheard her 12 months ago till I was by flicking through some tweets from Jo Swinson, former LibDem MP.

And there it was, a nice wee montage of words from Nicola.  Had I been wrong all along?  Nope.  Check it out!

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