Thursday, April 09, 2020

Don't forget the hidden supply chain.

I am sure that at 8pm tonight many of us will take to the streets to applaud.  Applaud the key workers in our nation that are dealing with the sick, the ones making sure our post gets through and those who are delivering food to supermarkets and corner shops.    

But what of the not so obvious people who are working away behind the scenes?   The private businesses that are servicing Royal Mail vehicles, police cars, ambulances.  The businesses that are suppling vital parts to the pharmaceutical industry that keeps their supply lines of essential drugs flowing.  The list goes on.   

When you start to think about it, there are actually very few parts of our industrial world that while not being vitally essential, are fundamental to ensuing that our society has what it needs when it needs it.   

So next time you see someone driving to work, don’t tut-tut the business they are going to for being open.  Just ponder, what part of the hidden supply chain is it they are supporting that is holding our nation together.  

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