Sunday, April 19, 2020

A misleading headline from the BBC.

On the BBC website this morning, as per usual, there is a section, Newspaper Headlines.  The headline in today’s Newspaper headlines is: “‘No 10 ignored warning’ and ‘PM takes back control’”.  Well, Boris back in control, there’s a thing.  And sure enough, the Sunday Telegraph has a banner headline “Johnson Starts To Take Back Control”. 

So I then go hunting for the other headline it flags up. ‘No 10 ignored warning’.   

Sunday Times? Nope.  They run with “Ministers plan for to reopen schools in three weeks’ time”.   
Mail on Sunday?  Nope.  Their headline is “Get Britain Moving Again”.   
The Observer? Nope.  “Don’t bet on a vaccine to protect us”.   
Sunday Express?  Nope.  “Hard Work Is Paying Off”.   
Sunday Mirror?  Nope.  “Doctors Fear We Will Run Out Of Oxygen”.   
Sunday People?  Nope.  “Too Scared To Hug Their Kids”.   
Daily Star?  Nope.  “Gogglebox Dad Fights For Life”.     

Now, am I missing something here?  Not one headline said “No 10 ignored warning”?  So why did the BBC put a headline on its article that clearly was not true?   

Answers on a postcard….

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