Thursday, April 16, 2020

First cuckoo of spring

Just because there is a Pandemic doesn’t mean it’s time to down tools in areas where tools could quite easily be picked up and used.  And in the spirit of getting things done one has to pay tribute to the two appointed negotiators for the post leaving EU trade negotiations.  Michael Barnier and David Frost, both who have had Covid-19, are keeping things moving.    

But then, out of nowhere, the IMF decides to stick their nose into something that isn’t their business.  That happens a lot these days. I think the UK and the EU are grown up enough to not need hand holding by the IMF which has got so many of the big calls wrong over the past ten years.  Perhaps it should go into isolation for a period.   

But it’s the general thrust of this thinking.  The Labour party are asking for extensions too. 

All I’m waiting for now is the first cuckoo of spring to emerge, a deranged Remainer, and demand that with so many elderly people dying we need another referendum as the people who voted Leave are no longer with us.   

Believe me, it will happen sooner or later.

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