Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Who can you trust?

I know that the Lib Dems are very unhappy that Ms Swinson did not appear in the debate with Messrs Corbyn and Johnson last night.  But fear not for all is still well in her camp.   

Take what was said on Sky News a month or two ago.  The Lib Dems fightback is real – and it's changing everything”.  And in the Guardian, “Lib Dems winning and on the up after by-election victory”.   

Well, I would be very happy as a party leader hearing these words.  Indeed, I would be so happy I would plaster them all over my election literature.  Why wouldn’t you.  And that is exactly what she did.  And had it posted through letterboxes all over the country.  Though interestingly, I haven't seen it through my letterbox yet and I live in her constituency.

The only problem is, these words were not from some independent commentator who was observing things from a neutral stance.  These are words that Ms Swinson herself used to these news outlets.   

As you can see from the leaflet, nowhere does it say that these words are hers.  And she has the audacity to point the finger at others who are being "economical with the actuality" as the late Alan Clark used to put it.   

If Ms Swinson is what we deserve as prime minster, as it says that on the other side of the leaflet, what have we done wrong?  

I know.  We voted to Leave the EU.  And she wants to put that right (in her eyes) and stop the democratic mandate of the people being implemented.   

Or putting it another way, if you can’t trust what she puts on her leaflets, how could you trust her in No 10?

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