Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Amazing stuff from the BBC.

Something very remarkable happened today on the 1pm news on BBC1.  Live on BBC tv a reporter was allowed to say, totally un-challenged, that Mr Johnson told lies.   

First of all, lets take the Twitter feed. The Conservatives didn’t actually change the label that said it was the Conservative Twitter account.  It’s there.  Bold.  No one could miss it.  Unless that is you were deliberately seeking to undermine the Conservatives.    

The party clearly were not touting it as an independent fact checker.  Only the most obtuse individual could surmise that it was genuine.  

Then Amol Rajan, the BBCs Media Editor, popped up with one of the most remarkable things I have ever heard journalist say on the BBC.  His exact words at 5:05? 

The party of government …. has basically used Twitter … as a way of putting out something that is less than true.   

He then goes on to say at 5:28 that the information on the Conservative twitter feed “wrong and false”.   

Now, I have no problem a Labour of Lib Dem saying that kind of thing in the hurly burly of an election.  

But not, a BBC journalist accusing the Conservatives of telling lies.  With not a shred of evidence to back it up.  Remarkable.  Balance?  Make up your mind.

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