Monday, November 18, 2019

Having a laugh?

The Lib Dems really are having a laugh.   

Though with their figures in the polls steadily falling, Datapoll’s findings say they are now down at 11%, they are not the ones laughing.  Unless they are in denial.   

Ms Swinson, in the latest polls from Survation, the Pollster who called it right at the last election, is in trouble.  When asked who would be their preferred PM, Mr Johnson is up 6pts to 47% while Ms Swinson tumbles 6% to even below Mr Corbyn, on only 15%.   

To parody their leaflets, LibDems NOT winning here.    

The party that seeks to undermine the democratic mandate of the Referendum by simply, should it have the power to do so, wipe away the 17,410,742 votes that won Leave the victory, now seeks to claim the democratic moral high ground.  Its President, Baroness Brinton, in an interview after the party lost its Lib Dems ITV debate legal challenge, had the audacity to say that the decision was “disappointing for democracy in this country”.  

Let me get this right Baroness.  You think it is ok for the president of a national party that, at every stage over the past three years, has sought to undermine the democratic vote of the people of the UK to leave the EU, to have the right to call a decision by a judge as disappointing for democracy?  This is more nauseating distasteful stuff from a party that long ago gave up on agreeing with the principle of Losers' consent, the very bedrock of our democracy.

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