Monday, October 07, 2019

German cars.

Did you know that the UK consumes a fifth of German car exports?     

Did you know that the UK is the market with the highest profit margin for German car manufacturers?      

So why would Germany not want to reach a deal with the UK based on trade alone without the encumbrance of a political deal?      

The answer is straightforward. Because the EU will not retreat on its desire to create an EU state.  And this is the hub of the current battles.  It's not about a backstop.  It's about the future of the UK.

The evidence?  Every single one of the following is in European Commission documents plotting its journey ahead.  Some are already in place.  The others are on their way.   

Single army.  Single foreign policy.  Single tax structure.  Single social policy.  Single market.  Single immigration system.  Single judiciary.  Single currency.  Single anthem.  Get the picture?    

I do not recall in the debates a single Remainer putting forward a positive case for staying in the EU.  It was all negative.  Doom and gloom.  Perhaps they just forgot to tell us the truth of the EUs ambitions.  Perhaps they didn't want to tell us the truth for they knew the people of the UK would have voted in even larger numbers to leave.  And rather than defend their position of a federal EU they continue to accuse the Leave side for not telling the truth.  Take the number on the side of the bus.   £350m.  It turns out the figure was indeed wrong.  The real figure was higher with the Office of National Statistics confirming that the Gross payment to Brussels in the period the bus was doing its rounds was £18.9 billion a year, or £363 million a week.  But so far i have not heard an apology fort any one in the Remain side.  Funny that. 

Remainers need to look at the plank in their own eye.

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