Tuesday, October 15, 2019

All around the world they are doing it.

It’s been happening in Northern Ireland since 2002.  And it happens in Europe in Greece, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.  I could go on with the European list.  Worldwide?  It happens in Brazil, Greece, Argentina, India, Israel, Iceland, and so on.   A really big list!

What am I talking about?  The need to present some form of identification to authenticate who you are before you can cast your vote in an election.   Mr Corbyns response to the inclusion of this in the Queens Speech? "The people that the Tories are trying to stop voting will be disproportionately from ethnic minority backgrounds, and they will disproportionately be working class voters of all ethnicities."   

Now, this has all come to the surface after a report that showed there is evidence of voter fraud “especially in communities of Pakistani and Bangladeshi background” but that the cases have been ignored because of “over-sensitivities about ethnicity and religion”.  The report continues with the warning that “challenging issues” over community cohesion should never be an “excuse” for failing to “uphold the rule of law and protect British liberties”.   

So back to Labour.  One can’t help but ask, why is Mr Corbyn so dismissive of the intelligence of people he claims to represent?  He is in effect saying they clearly are not clever enough to get themselves registered in the free system that will be available at all local authority offices.  Indeed, why would anyone not want to?  

Which forces you to ask the very uncomfortable question, why is Labour so against the idea of making our electoral system safer from fraud?  Answers on a postcard…..

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