Thursday, October 17, 2019

Disingenuous? Doesn't do him justice.

Well, today Remainer MPs voted to allow backbench MPs to amend Boris Johnson's Brexit plans, in a knife edge vote that passed by 287 votes to 275.   

But it was the words of one MP that really caught my eye.  I am really not sure I have ever heard or read anything quite as astonishingly disingenuous as this from Sir Oliver Letwin today.   

He told MPs, with a straight face: "That will enable those of us, like me, who wish to support and carry through and eventually see the ratification of this deal, not to put us in the position of allowing the government off the Benn Act hook on Saturday, but only at a time when the bill has been taken through both Houses of Parliament and legislated on."   

His words fool no one.  Clearly he does not want us to leave the EU.   He is just cynically seeking to continue his mission to overturn the votes of 17,410,742 people. And it is he and his ilk that will be to blame should unrest befall our nation if we don't leave. They truly are playing with fire.

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