Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Blame Game.

“Who is to blame for the current situation in Parliament?” asked a young man on BBC Question Time on Thursday night.  While blame shouldn’t be the name of the game, it was interesting to hear people blame Mrs May.   

Well, I think we can agree that Mrs May has not been a leader.  But to blame for everything?  I think not.   

It goes back to John Major who signed the Maastricht Treaty, the treaty that led to political union the EU now has become.  If he hadn’t done that, and remember he did it without a vote of the people of the UK, we wouldn’t be where we are today.   

And what of David Cameron?  If it is true that he deliberately stopped the Civil Service from preparing for the possibility of a Leave vote while the EU were already preparing not for us to leave but also for no Withdrawal Agreement, that is not just immoral, surely it’s criminal. 

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