Friday, March 01, 2019

The blame game.

It is well underway.  But for me, if anyone is to blame for the mess we are in in relation to leaving the EU it is those who have sought to visit upon the people of the UK something they voted against in 2016.     

If we had been voting to join the EU it would have been simple.  We would have been joining the jurisdiction on the ECJ, the single market, the customs union, et al.     

So a vote to leave the EU was a vote to leave all of these.

If Mrs May had come forward with a proposal that simply removed us from these conditions we would be well out by now.   Most nations in the world are very happily trading with the EU without the political shackles.  And its these shackles that we voted to leave.    

“People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both. If we restrict liberty to attain security we will lose them both. Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”  Benjamin Franklin

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