Monday, March 25, 2019

Angela Merkel’s party successor is calling for an EU aircraft carrier.

I wonder where Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, a career politician like many who sit on the green benches of the House of Commons, will get that from?   

Well, let me give you a clue.  If you explore Mrs May’s Withdrawal Agreement that she is desperate to push through the House of Commons, you will get an idea exactly where from.  Her WA does quite the opposite of Withdrawing.  It actually integrates even more. On just about every area of public policy you could think of.

On defence it integrates the current EU thinking that EU defence integration and EU security affiliation should all accelerate.   Mrs Mays WA means we will financially, structurally, industrially, and institutionally, be part of the EUs march towards the EUs longstanding aspiration of a “common defence” policy.   

Indeed, Mrs Mays WA seeks an affiliation, (read this very carefully) as close “as is possible under EU law” (not, note UK law) and, incredibly, UK defence and security would be tied, powerless, under the direction of EU foreign and security policy.   

Mrs Mays deal is not withdrawal and it should be rejected by every single Member of Parliament on defence of the Realm alone.  After all, as Mrs May said in the House of Commons on 20th April 2016 when she was still Home Secretary, “The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens.”   

And current Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said on 25th January 2018, “Protecting the United Kingdom and our people remains our first priority and responsibility.”   

You can’t do that if you don’t control your own aircraft carrier.

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