Thursday, October 12, 2017

No deal rather than a bad deal? It's what 74% of the UK want.

Those who think we should remain in the EU at any cost must have thought the public would be on side.   

Sadly for them the vast majority of the public believes quite the opposite.    

A decisive 74% agreed the country should walk away rather than accept a punishment deal. “No deal is better than a bad deal” according to this new Sky Data poll.  Or put it the other way around, only 26% think “any deal is better than no deal”.  What is surprising is the sentiment holds true across the age range.    

For example, amongst 18-34 year-olds support for “no deal is better than a bad deal” is at a remarkable 75%.   These are the people Remainders have told us would be most pro EU.  Moving up the age range, 35-54 year-olds figure is 74%.  And the golden oldies over 55, 76% think “no deal is better than a bad deal”.  So there you have it.  Near universal support for no deal among the public.  

So given no deal is looking the better option as the days go by, why is HM Government not getting on with preparations?    

Certainly the reality is perhaps being understood in the EU.  Michel Barnier, after today’s round of negotiations, said “We've reached a state of deadlock which is very disturbing”.  I bet it is disturbing for him.  Yes, he’s making out that the UK are the problem.  But it is him who is staring down at no deal and no kind of financial agreement.  Not a disaster for the UK in any shape or form. For Mr Barnier, it is a nightmare.  He’s going to have to go back and say to the EU, “sorry, we didn’t force them into a bad deal.  Oh, and by the way, we didn’t get any money out of them either”.

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