Saturday, October 07, 2017

European Commission up to same old tricks.

Apparently the people in the European Commission are concerned that the government led by Mrs May could collapse.  Rather endearingly, they expressed concern that this could hamper our negotiations for what sort of relationship we will have once we have left the EU.  How sweet.   

Indeed, their concern apparently is so great that they asked to meet, and subsequently did meet with, Messrs Corbyn and Starmer.  No problem them asking for a meeting.  But that Corbyn and Starmer agreed to one is rather remarkable.  They should have told Mr Barnier to go away.  They should have reminded him that our UK parliament takes decisions now.   And they should also have noted that Mr Garnier is, in effect, a foreign power seeking to undermine the UK.

Seasoned EU watchers will recognise this trap they have laid for Corbyn and Starmer.  Make them feel important.  Hold talks.  Seek to undermine anyone that goes against the EU.  It’s not new.  

Look at Greece.  Brutaly forcing them into submission.   

Look at Italy, replacing a democratically elected Prime Minister with a EU appointee.    

Look at the Republic of Ireland.  The people voted one way. The EU didn’t like it and forced them to vote again so they would get the right result.   

You can see exactly the same tactics here again the UK.  And the fact that they are seducing people like Corbyn and Starmer, as well as the Sturgeons of the world, says it all.  They don't respect our democracy.

But the Corbyns, Starmers and Sturgeons of the world should be very wary.   The EU may be smiling on them at the moment.  But history tells us that the day will come when they too will feel the wrath of the unelected European hierarchy.

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