Thursday, September 26, 2019

Choices time. Which is worse?

A British rapper, slowthai, yes, that’s his stage name, screaming obscenities such as "f*** Boris" during the live BBC Four broadcast of the Mercury Prize awards ceremony while brandishing an effigy of Boris Johnson’s severed head. (I’ve yet to hear if the producer of the show, who must, or should have known the stunt was going to happen, is still in a job.).    

Or how about when Liam Byrne who said the PM was guilty of treason?   That's a very strong accusation.  And to proclaim guilt before he's even been tried, that sounds like a kangaroo court to me.  Anyway, as one response to Mr Byrne noted, “How could anyone know it was illegal before the Supreme Court published its conclusion. Even the English High Court initially found it was not illegal”. 

Or Jess Phillips who said she will “knife Corbyn in the front”.   Which is odd for Jess as she is, more often than not, measured and sensible.

But one of the biggest offenders is John McDonnell, shadow chancellor and the real Marxist brains behind Corbyn.  His track record includes comparing the PM to a "dictator" during WWII, fantasised about murdering Margaret Thatcher, made the infamous “lynch the b*tch” comments on Esther McVey, accused the Conservatives of social murder and to round it off wanted to garrote Lib Dem Danny Alexander.  What a nice turn of phrase he has.   Of course he now says they were all just in jest.  Aye, right.

Mr Corbyn and Ms Abbot do not have clean hands either.  They have, amongst other things, alleged that the Conservative /Lib Dem coalition government killed 120,000 people and the Conservative were “cruel and callous”.  Other Labour figures also get in on the act.   David Lammy said Leavers behaved like Nazis, and then adding the thought that this comparison wasn’t strong enough.   

And Jo Swinsons lily white LibDems?  Let's ignore the fact that Ms Swinson said on live TV that she wouldn't respect the result of a further referendum if it didn't go her way, Ed Davey called for a remain alliance in Uxbridge to "decapitate" Boris.   He apologised quickly enough, but the damage was done.

Then along comes Boris.  In response to a Labour MP, Paula Sherriff, who invoked the memory of murdered MP Jo Cox in her question, the prime minster replied, in essence, that a democrat like Jo Cox would have accepted the result of a democratic vote and got on with it.  At least, I hope that is what she would have done. From Boris no threat of decapitation or murder.  No calls of traitor.  No saying anyone was a Nazi. Just a statement of the blindingly obvious.  MPs should respect the will of the people.  Ms Sherriff spoiled her big moment of fame on on TV today when she sought to characterise the Conservatives as "this wicked, grotesque government".  

Perhaps Boris should not have risen to the bait.  But the faux outrage emanating from the opposition benches is somewhat nauseating given their track record in abusive language. Pot calling the kettle black and all that.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good points. Funny how the Remainers have no idea of the plank in their own eye as they are so busy with the speck in others eyes.