Tuesday, September 10, 2019

What was Mr Corbyn on last night?

Well, the new jobs figures have have been released this morning by the Office of National Statistics.  They show some interesting trends.  

For example, average pay leaping to a growth rate of 4% in the last year, the fastest increase in over a decade.  That is twice the rate of inflation.   

Then there is unemployment. Figures continue to fall.  We now have the lowest levels in 45 years.  45 years!!!   And that over 300,000 more full time jobs than a year ago.   

Which does may you wonder what planet Jeremy Corbyn is on.  In his speech last night justifying why he should not support a general election, he chuntered out all the old propaganda lines of the left.  Just go to the parliament website where you can listen to it.  It truly is frightening that he  aspires to lead our nation.

All this good news about the economy despite Brexit, as the BBC would say.

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