Tuesday, August 29, 2017

No sign up, no entry. No ambiguity there. Is there?

If we were seeking to join the EU we would be told that joining would mean we had to sign up to a number of things. No sign up, no entry. 

These include freedom of movement, giving up freedom to negotiate trade deals, having your national parliament subject to the rulings of the ECJ, and now joining the European single currency.  I think we all understand that. It’s simple.   So leaving the EU means leaving all these.  So simple.   

What bit don't hard line Remainers understand we voted for?  And what does an exceedingly clever chap like Keir Starmer think he is doing with all this nonsense he is now spouting?  He must know it sounds utterly stupid.   

As Mark Wallace says “Keir Starmer absolutely, clearly, and unambiguously declares war on Brexit ambiguity.  Sort of.”

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