Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Michel Barnier knows, and he knows we know.

You know the European Union is running on empty when you hear the statements from its head negotiator.  The EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier has expressed concern about progress so far, as the third round of Brexit talks gets under way.  Time after time he says the UK are not doing enough.    

But he knows, and he knows we know, what he really means is the UK are simply not playing ball with the EU and their rather ridiculous demands and posture.  His warning that UK "ambiguity" must be removed and progress on "separation" issues made before any talks on the future EU-UK relationship is hype.  It is said to try and worry the people of the UK.     

David Davis could of course cheapen himself and respond in kind and say something like, “the EU are just prevaricating and we know it!”  But he doesn’t.   

What is clear is UK and European businesses really want the whole thing settled and settled quickly.  They are not interested in the politics of the un elected European Commission. They are interested in buying and selling goods.   

And has been said time and time again, even if the EU refuse to do a deal, businesses will continue to trade across La Manche.   

All that will happen is the EU will effectively be taken out of the trade loop as the UK will simply operate under WTO rules as we already do with the rest of the planet.   

And Michel Barnier knows that.

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