Wednesday, March 09, 2016

We are an independent nation within the EU. Myth

The scaremongering about the consequences of leaving the EU continues.  And no doubt it will for the months ahead.  We better get used to the negative Britain Stronger in Europe campaign.  Unfortunate initials that makes, BSE.

Of all BSE’s claims, the one that says we are an independent nation within the EU, is perhaps the most shameless of all.

The essence of the EU, the thing that distinguishes it from every other international association, is that its laws take precedence over the laws of its member nations.  As Lord Hoffman, the senior judge, put it, “The EU Treaty the supreme law of this country, taking precedence over Acts of Parliament.”  And as pointed out, even the so called renegotiation that David Cameron came back with could legally be over turned by European courts.

BSE brazenly says that the idea that Eurocrats “set our laws” is a “myth”.  In fact, it is anything but a myth.  Everything from what taxes we pay to what we can fish from the sea, from employment law to immigration, we must do as Brussels says.  

But that is all been part of the plan for many years.  Tony Benn believed that at the centre of the EU project it was all about the creation of an empire, and logically all the laws in an empire come from the centre. 

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