Tuesday, March 15, 2016

How to influence a democratic vote in a foreign country.

Yet another unelected, non UK citizen has stuck their oar in the EU referendum waters.

A citizen of the USA , Lt-Gen Ben Hodges, head of the US Army in Europe, (now there’s an interesting title, bit of a colonial sound to it) said he was "worried" the EU could unravel just when it needed to stand up to Russia.   And for good measure, he claims if the democratic wish of the people of the UK is to leave the European Union it could have a negative impact on the NATO alliance. Er, what?

Lt-Gen Hodges said if the EU "unravelled" it would affect Nato too
Clearly this is just another day in the coordinated stories that No 10 is putting about.  One scare story a day keeps a Leave vote away.

But here’s the thing.  No country in NATO is there because they are in the EU.  They are members as an individual nations.  So why would the UK leaving the EU make the slightest bit of difference?  It wouldn’t.    

You always know there is weakness in someone’s argument when they have to resort to scare tactics to win.

And a final point, no mater if you are a Leave or a Stay voter, it is a bit of a cheek for a foreign Lt General from the "land of the free [sic]" to be wheeled in to tell us how we should vote. Bit ironic that one, don't you think?  Does remind you of specks and logs in your eye.

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