Thursday, March 03, 2016

South Africa's judicial system has spoken.

Oscar Pistorius's appeal against his murder conviction is dismissed by South Africa's highest court.  That is it.  It is over.  It now all moves now to the sentencing in April.

Oscar Pistorius Getty Images
Pistorius's lawyers had applied for leave to appeal to the Constitutional Court, the highest court in South Africa, arguing that the SCA had 'acted unlawfully and unconstitutionally'.

But the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), which opposed the application, said today that the appeal attempt had failed.

Just as well South Africa is not in the European Union for if it were our legal friends would be looking forward to at least one more pay day as the gravy train to European Courts beckoned.

I find it remarkable that some people in the UK have such little regard for our legal systems that think that the European courts are a guardian of our UK freedoms.

Just one more reason to vote Leave.

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