Sunday, July 05, 2015

Who are these gangsters?

I really never thought I would see the day when I would be agreeing with Romano Prodi, former chief of the European Commission. He is of course also a former premier of Italy. So what has the great man had to say?  Noting that it is the EU's own survival that is now a stake as the botched handling of the Greek crisis escalates into a catastrophe he continued, "If the EU cannot resolve a small problem the size of Greece, what is the point of Europe?"

"I would like to know how Merkel, Juncker, or Lagarde can possibly take it upon themselves to throw Greece out of the euro. It is true that irrational behaviour always recurs in history. The First World War broke out over a minor incident. Let us hope this is not our Sarajevo," he said.

On a separate front it has emerged that European members on the board of the International Monetary Fund tried to suppress the publication of a report by the IMF showing that Greece's debt is "unsustainable" and that the country is in grave need of debt relief.

This of course turns out to validate the claim by Syriza that a deal without debt restructuring fails to go to the root of the problem, and merely ensures another crisis later. Angry staff members at the IMF leaked parts of the paper to the German press, forcing full publication.

Martin Schulz, the president of the European Parliament has also called for the elected Syriza government to be replaced by "technocrat" rule until stability is restored.

You do really being to wonder who these people who control the EU think they are.  Their behaviour is moving from bully to gangster in one quick step.

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