Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Unlikely bed fellows

I find the European Parliament one of the strangest, even bizarre, of “parliaments”.  Grand buildings entertaining grand egos of people who support the European project.  They dismiss anyone who disagrees with their grand agenda as slightly eccentric, but certainly wrong.

So they must have wondered what was going on today when two very unlikely bedfellows turned up.  In one corner, Nigel Farage.  In the other, the Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras.  Like or loathe Farage, (he attracts sentiments both in equal measure), he is unfortunately the only person who talked sense.  Slightly flaky in style perhaps, but on the nail with his analysis.  It’s just sad that we have to rely on Farage to say what needs to be said.

I bet Mr Tsipras never in his wildest dreams thought he would be praised to the heavens by Mr Farage. Funny old world.

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