Monday, July 20, 2015

London calling

It looks an interesting story on the BBC web site this morning.  The new London Route Master, that iconic bus of London streets, is having battery problems.  A litany of issues are thrown at the reader.  A number of drivers apparently have raised the issue with Christian Wolmar, an independant transport journalist who is quoted in the BBC article.  He must be well known to the bus drivers if they have picked him out to vent their concerns on.

Then it comes, the sub head line. “A Boris failure”.

"The drivers say almost nine out of 10 do not have the electric motors working. This bus is a ridiculous throw back. It has been a total waste of money. It's a Boris failure."

So who is this transport journalist that the BBC are so heavily relying on?   Christian Wolmar is not just any old journalist.  He is also seeking the Labour nomination for mayor of London.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame Mr Wolmar for this BBC website article.  He actually writes a very interesting and informative blog that politicians of all colours should spend more time reading.  I particularly like his Tractor v HS2 offering.

So where has the imbalance in the article come from?  Come on BBC, you can do better than publish a piece that appears to be little more than Unite propaganda.

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