Wednesday, April 08, 2015

He said what?

I’m into quotes this morning.  So, who said this yesterday?

“Remember the relief we felt when Scotland voted no.  Why was that?  Because towards the end, having paid only intermittent attention to the enormity of the decision, we awoke to it and realised – I think with shock – how close we had come to relegating ourselves from the Premier League of nations.  Now think if the vote had gone the other way.  It doesn’t bear thinking of.  It would be exactly the same with a vote on Europe.  We’re frankly not much focused on it now.  But that is the same semi-conscious torpor that almost led us to disaster in keeping the UK together.”

Basically Tony Blair is saying the people are stupid.  Don’t give them the chance to vote for something you don’t agree with.  After all, you can’t risk the people getting it wrong by giving them the chance.  It is only a frighteningly small step to “they will vote wrong in the next general election so let’s not give them the chance.  Let’s cancel the election”.  Don’t laugh. It’s been the excuse by the political elite in many a country who are out of touch with the people who put them there in the first place.

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