Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Morning after the night before

North of the Border we had a four way debate between the main party leaders last night.  Fresh from her elevation in the UK media to being winner of the UK debate, would Nicola Sturgeon win again?  Well, it certainly wasn’t last weeks result.  As I think we all thought, once on home soil, when she can be challenged on her record in Scotland by people who know, wheels can start to come off.  And they did.  But more of that another time.

What was also interesting to see was Jim Murphy under the cosh.  Being derided for repeatedly mansplaining Ruth Davidson and Nicola Sturgeon and coming fourth with the Sun’s Twitter worm I don’t think Jim will be too comfortable this morning

But it was also the moment the Scottish Tory leader pummelled her Labour counterpart on the economy:
RD:  There’s a massive difference between you and me.  You crashed the economy and I’m trying to rebuild the economy.  That’s the difference between you and me, Jim.  You’ve run from your role in the referendum and I’m proud of my role in the referendum.  That’s another difference between you and me, Jim.”
JM:  “…The growth big growth in the last few years hasn’t been in industries, it’s been in foodbanks.”
RD:  “The big growth in the last few years has been in jobs, you had higher unemployment…”
JM:  “…There are people out there tonight sitting over their phones who have got zero hours contracts…”
RD:  “And 68 of your MP colleagues employ people on zero hours contracts.  Have you ever worked on a zero hour contract?  Have you ever worked on one?  I have.”

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