Monday, June 03, 2019

Protest about the right things.

Let’s see.  Current leader of the Labour party.  Supports dictatorships that destroy their nations hopes, and their economy. Nicaragua.   How about previous Labour leaders who got to be PM.  Lump Mr Brown and Mr Blair together as they were in it together.  Iraq.  Afghanistan.   Illegal wars.

Now, love or loathe Trump as person, as far as I can see he is the only USA President who hasn’t actually waged an illegal war, killed innocents by the thousands and whose only fault was keeping his campaign promises.  Some people might not like some of his promises, but that's why we have democracy. Elections.  Let the people choose.  Even President Obama, who hoped to sow peace, instead led the nation in war.   Indeed, in all of his eight years in office, the USA was at war somewhere, a rather dubious record to hold.

President Trump is actually is keeping he promises he was elected on.  There’s a novelty Mrs May might like to have a wee chat with him about. Though we won't be seeing many pictures of the President and the Prime Minister.  Would you really want to be photographed with the captain of a ship that has just had to leave their post as they were steering the ship on to rocks?

That the people of the USA democratically elected him says as much about the USA as it does about their president.  But, even with all these reasons why people don’t like him, the ridiculous fuss Trump Haters are churning out is remarkable.  He is being treated worse than the Chinese President or the King of the House of Saudi.  Now these are two gentleman with the human rights records as of the countries they lead, that is worth protesting about.   Let’s not forget Tiananmen Square. Or the oppression of women in Saudi.  

These are things to get angry and protest about.

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