Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Fabric of society undermined by non democrats.

Just look at the contorted nasty face of the woman shouting "scum" at an American.  Like those around her in that melee, she is a Remainer that can’t stomach the fact that the people of the UK voted in a way she didn’t like.  Welcome to the nasty side of Remain.

And that is the problem with all those that say we shouldn’t "normalise" Trumps behaviour.   They can't see the plank in their own eye.

So we shouldn't accept that people like this woman are trying to "normalise" Liberal Democrat policy that says that we should over turn a democratic vote just because they don’t like it.   She clearly is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a democrat.  Nor are the Liberal Democratic Party candidates standing to be the leader of their party.  Every one of them seeks to overturn a democratic vote by the people of the UK.  Democrats?  You kidding?

I’m not too sure which is the most appalling. Trumps behaviour or Remainers undermining democracy.  I do know which will do the most lasting damage to the social fabric of our country and the families who live in it.  And it’s Not Trump.  

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