Thursday, February 07, 2019


I am not too sure of the theology behind the statement, so obviously carefully prepared and rehearsed by Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, that “Hell would have a special circle for Brexiteers who had no plan for our departure from Europe”.  

I am also intrigued as to who he thinks he was referring.  This whole nonsense that Leavers didn’t have a plan is palpable rubbish.  Take for example the 1030 page tome that sits on my desk by Business for Britain.  Change, or Go makes more than a compelling case for how the UK would gain influence and prosper outside an unreformed EU.   

Published before Mr Cameron’s fateful trip and return from Brussels that completely failed to being even a scintilla of reform, quite the reverse in fact, he arrived back in the UK with nothing more than a fig leaf to cover the embarrassment of the treatment and rejection he received.  

And this volume details everything from the sort of political relationship a newly energised UK outside the EU could have with the remains of the European Union and details a full plan for Financial services, Migration, Agriculture and Fisheries, Human Rights, the Environment, Energy, Transport, Education, Technology and Research.  They are all in this serious piece of work.   

So for Mr Tusk to suggest there was no plan is either demonstrating his ignorance or a disingenuousness that is rather unpleasant.

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