Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The tide is high, I'm moving on.

Good news everybody.  Not only will you still be able to roam with your mobile phone in the rEU (remainder of the EU) after we leave, some businesses are positively licking their lips about business opportunities.   

Take Bristol Port.  65% of its imports already come from outside the EU, the majority under World Trade Organisation rules that Remainers don’t seem to understand.   

The Port says it does not expect any problems if we leave the EU on a WTO deal.   

Bristol, of course, is no different from other ports across the UK, says Tim Morris from the UK Major Ports Group.  Ports across the country have been working to ensure trade from Europe continues to flow under a WTO deal.  We can't be complacent about this as there's a great deal of detail that's involved in these processes but one of the jobs at ports all around the UK including the port of Bristol that they've been doing, been working very hard with their customers and potential customers to ensure that the systems they have in place right now for non EU trade can be applied to EU trade, so there is a great deal of work going on with that and it’s been a real focus of a lot of the efforts of ports.   

Bristol Port's offer of help is of course all about it looking after Number One.  It has capacity.  And the systems in place.  It is already working on WTO rules. So why not go and get work from ports that are not prepared.   Unprepared rival ports should be worried.   

But here’s the thing, if businesses like Bristol Port have done the preparation and are ready to leave the EU on a WTO deal, what were Mrs May (Prime Minister, Mr Hammond (Chancellor) and Ms Rudd (the then Home Secretary) doing since the people voted to leave the EU?  Clearly not preparing.  

I think that is criminal.

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