Friday, October 12, 2018

"I look forward to the day when Parliament is no more than a council chamber under a greater EU."

The International Currency Review, Vol. 23, No. 4, Autumn 1996.  I’m sure it is part of your quarterly reading plan.   From its worthy pages we read the following.  "I look forward to the day when Parliament is no more than a council chamber under a greater EU."   

Who could possibly have said that?  You may be surprised that it is not some EU bureaucrat.  These are the words of the Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke, MP.  This clearly defines the objective of Remainers and Mrs May.   And he has never changed his view.     

History is a good teacher.   And what does it teach us about attempts to turn a diverse continent into a single Empire?   It always leads to war.   

Europe does better when it is democratic, diverse and free.   Mutual cooperation in trade as originally envisaged after WW2 was a positive aspiration.   But then it all went wrong when Germany pushed for "ever closer union" or the idea of a super state complete with a flag and patriotic song which is designed to replace national anthems.     

So, where are we today?    Great Britain moving toward civil war?   Italy certainly is moving toward failed state status.  Greece already failed, though it’s partly their own fault.  They should have defaulted when the EU bullied held the fiscal gun to their head.   The rebelling in Germany over the unilateral decision to invite in millions of migrants.   Sweden to possibly have a populist government (surely every government is populist given it has won a majority, so is that so bad?).    

I think all sensible people think the best way forward would be to reform the EU by reversing its course toward a super state.   Of course, this means the dream of a super state will need to be replaced.  But too many careers are now built on this fantasy EU dream.  And too many people have taken this on board as a religion as with all Empires.    

As David Cameron discovered to his horror when he asked for just a few concessions to take back home to placate the masses, they wouldn’t even do that.  That is the kind of people who rule the EU.  And the kind of people who want to rule over you.  Completely.

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