Tuesday, September 04, 2018

The tide is not for turning.

In today’s Telegraph Justine Greening writes an excellent piece trying to make sense of where Mrs May has got us.  She alludes to the story of the "graceful and magnificent" King Canute, who died on 12th November 1035.  

In the story, Canute was like Mrs May   He had flattering courtiers around him. Call them the Ollys for the sake of a name. The Ollys tried to persuade their master that he had super natural powers, to create amazing deals with the tide no one else could make.  Or in the EU negotiations they could confound economic and legal logic.   

But Canute was wise.  He knew this was rubbish.  And to prove it he plonked a chair in the path of an incoming tide to prove he didn’t have the power to turn it. Point graphically made.   

Mrs Mays problem is she doesn’t realise she is not in control.  And the tide is still coming in.   

Here endeth the lesson for today.

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