Sunday, September 09, 2018

Just two words.

What two words link Donald Trump, Serna Williams and Remainers?   

“Petulance”.  And “Me, me, me”.  Ok, that’s four words.  But the link is really pretty simple and straightforward.   

They all think only they are right.  And they all want to challenge authority.  And they show a remarkable disregard for the rule of law.  And they all set a terrible example of how to live.    

Trump.  How often has he tried to exceed the powers that the American people allow their president to have.  If he is ever convicted of a criminal offence will he seriously be of the mind that he should pardon himself?  Basically, don't like what people say?  Abuse them. 

Ms Williams.  A liar and a thief she called one of the best umpires on the planet.  So next time a child rocks up to an umpire on a junior tennis tournament and abuses them, you know where their role model comes from.    But I suppose she is just behaving like Trump.  Don't like what people say?  Abuse them.  Welcome to the new America.  A nation of intolerant people.

Remainers.  How many of them want to stage a coup and overturn the democratic wishes of the electorate in the biggest plebiscite the nation has ever seen.   Of course in this case, it is the Remainers who are seeking to be the thief, stealing a democratic vote.  Don't like how voters voted?  Abuse them.

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