Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Why do we vote at elections?

Ahead of today shadow cabinet meeting, the Labour leadership said 75% of party members it polled over the weekend had opposed bombing.  What this was meant to infer is quite clear. The views of the membership of the Labour party should take precedence over the constituents that the MP has been elected to serve. 

But reflect back to election night.  And why do we vote?  We vote to elect someone to represent the constituency.  No MP on election night is elected to serve a political party.  They are all elected to serve the constituency of wherever that has just voted for them.  Not to serve one interest group but all the constituents who have put them there.   

So it is worrying for democracy when the leader of one of the largest trades unions that backed Jeremy Corbyn for leader now says that MPs who don’t vote with his view should look forward to being deselected form their seat.  In other words he is saying, vote as the Union tells you, not in a way where you have listened to all the arguments in debate in the House of Commons and then decide what you believe is best for your constituents.

One little aside if I may. Some nine years ago I tipped Hilary Benn to be Labour leader after I heard him speak at the G8 Gleneagles Summit.  Passionate, well thought out and a great communicator.  Watch this space.

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