Thursday, December 17, 2015

The tide has turned

It was the strangest of arguments put forward by Sir John Major.  If we left the EU we would be in “splendid isolation.  Really?

Britain’s central role in the United Nations, NATO, Commonwealth, OECD and any number of other multinational organisations would be entirely unaffected by leaving Europe, and thus would hardly leave her “splendidly isolated”.

Indeed, given we are one of the largest trading nations on the planet, people would be beating a path to our door to do deals.  Deals we cannot currently do as the EU won’t let us.

When people put up such spurious nonsense I always say three initials.  BMW.  Do we really think if we leave the European Union, which none of us actually voted to be in, it was the European Economic Community (not a Union) we voted for, that BMW would say, “well, that’s it, no more selling cars to the UK”?  Its most lucrative market.  No, I don’t think so either.  Mercedes too, and Peugeot and Citroen. Those who pontificate over the politics of EU membership have no idea that there is a real world out there where people trade, irrespective of barriers made by politicians. They are the ones living in splendid isolation.

What is not unsurprising is the polls out today by Survation and Lord Ashcroft.  If the tide hasn’t yet turned in favour of an exit, it sure is getting close.

I’m going to stick my neck out.  53% will vote to exit.  And the EU will go to a Court somewhere to say it was not a legitimate vote and we can’t leave.  Let us hope I am right on the first bit.

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