Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What is the point?

We know we are going to die. 

We know it is only 4 minutes before the nuclear devices explode killing you and me and millions of others.  And we have a choice.  But before we take it, let us pause and consider who sent the nuclear war heads that are now only 3 minutes 40 seconds from killing us. It will have been a head of state of another country.  So understandably some may argue we should punish him for the wickedness and destruction that they are about to visit upon us.  Should stop thinking so much, only 3 minutes 20 seconds to go. 

But wait a minute, if our leader pushes our button, we will be killing millions of their citizens too.  They didn’t push the button.  So in our desire to punish the other leader we will kill millions of innocent people.  For what?  Is that in the remotest way a moral thing to do?  We know we are going to die so let’s take as many with us would seem to be the rationale. 

I did support having nuclear weapons till I thought of it this way.  But now I don’t.  Better watch my time, that’s only 2 minutes left.   

So back to our choice.  Are we to create even more victims?  Given we will be dead anyway as the weapons are still heading towards us, why not let the other side have a chance.  A chance to get rid of their leader.  After all our fate already is decided.  It is 1 minutes 30 away.  Why not let them try and make a better life after the nuclear holocaust that will engulf us.  Why punish them for the sins of their leaders?

And instead of us spending all that money on a weapon that really has no moral purpose, commit every penny of that to conventional weapons and solders, security service and other things that actually will keep us safe.

There, did that before the 4 minutes are up.  Maybe just time for a hot refreshing cup of tea……….

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