Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now!

I do get confused at times.

I hear politicians tell us that we want to defend the values of our country.  Amen to that.  Yet when Jeremy Corbyn was asked by ITV yesterday afternoon if he would have authorised the drone strike which killed Jihadi John, he replied: “I would only authorise actions that are legal and within the terms of international law.”, he is mocked and ridiculed for his reply.

Jihadi John was of course Mohammed Emwazi, a British Arab man alleged to be the person seen in several videos produced by the Islamic extremist group ISIL showing the beheadings of a number of captives.  And that’s the problem.  He will now always have been the alleged killer.   

We have adopted a system of extra judicial killing.  So the families of the people he was alleged to have killed will never get their day in court to see him convicted by a jury based on evidence before them.  I can see why many of them don’t support what has been done.  They wanted justice.  And in our society justice can only be seen to be done in a court of law.  You don’t do justice from a drone at 30,000ft.

I thought we were defending our ways.  But this and many other instances simply says we are lowering ourselves to the same values as those who seek to destroy our way of life.  And know what, they are succeeding.

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