Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Apple of your eye? Think twice before you buy.

Apple.  In total, the amount of cash in the group is around $178bn. Some $35bn in debt reduces that figure to the $142bn.   Debt?  Sorry, a business with such level of income and profit, and a large amount in the company piggy bank, debt? Why?

Well, it’s really a very simple answer.  They don’t like paying tax and will do all they can not to pay tax.  Apparently 89% of it lies offshore out of the hands of the Internal Revenue Service.

So they could bring it back.  But won't because they don’t want to pay tax unlike like everyone else and every other business has to do.  So they are stuck by their own greed using complex structures including debt to avoid it.  How weird is that?  Think what you could do with that cash. You could wipe out poor water quality in developing countries.  

So next time you are looking for a new device, remember Apple don’t want to be like you, a responsible citizen who pays tax. Now, make your choice.

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